"An Inconsistent Look" Felipe Devoto Autor: Felipe Devoto

"An Inconsistent Look" Felipe DevotoMagnet Gallery, Australia

An Inconsistent Look, at Magnet Gallery, presents the work of three photographers: Barry Douglas, Carlo Oggioni and Felipe Devoto.

From April 6 Magnet Galleries will host a wonderful exhibition of photography from three very different, yet somehow very connected, photographers. Barry C. Douglas, Carlo Oggioni and Felipe Devoto all have a very individualised take on the things they see, with themes that focus on the uneasy and distract from the norm.
Using the medium of film photography Felipe’s grainy and grungy black-and-white images offer a dream-like portrayal of life in Argentina; Carlos, also using film, shows a series of the bustling world of Melbourne public transport, which he describes as a visual essay about commuting … the mundane, solitary and robotic exercise we face perpetually in our everyday society.
Barry C. Douglas is the only photographer in this exhibition who has solely used digital means in his collection.
Barry’s work is about standing back and observing his environment and not letting himself be a factor in its outcome – a snapshot of someone else’s moment.
The three photographers hope this show will get people discussing what our surroundings can actually mean when seen through someone else’s eyes.
It encourages the viewer to talk to the person next to them and to walk away with a new found love of or disgust with what they may not have considered before.

All work will be available for purchase. The artists’ work is online at:
Barry C. Douglas www.instagram.com/barry.takes.photos/
Carlo Oggioni www.instagram.com/behind_this_line/
Felipe Devoto www.theloop.com.au/felidevoto/portfolio/auto-opsy/258580

An Inconsistent Look will run until April 27.

All three of the featured artists have been invited to come together by the wonderful curators of Magnet Galleries in the CBD, a not-for-profit art space run by Michael and Susanne Silver. The exhibition is curated by Daniel Silver.

For more information on this and any upcoming event taking place at Magnet Galleries, please visit: www.magnet.org.au

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