2022 World Press Photo Contest

2022 World Press Photo ContestConvocatoria

Last days to enter the 2022 Contest
Entries for the 2022 World Press Photo Contest will close in less than one week, on Tuesday 11 January at 12.00 (noon) CET!

If you haven't done so yet, now is the time to enter and encourage all the photojournalists and documentary photographers you think should participate to submit their work! For more info about the contest, please visit:

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Muestra "La luz que habita" María Luján Fiel

Muestra "La luz que habita"

Cesar Gustavo Ruiz Awarded

Cesar Gustavo Ruiz Awarded

"Los Hacedores" de Kaoru Díaz Autora: Kaoru Diaz

"Los Hacedores" de Kaoru Díaz

Premio Fundación María Elena Walsh

Premio Fundación María Elena Walsh